Saving is easier with a goal and purpose in mind
What is a Club Savings account?
Having a defined time frame helps you stick to your savings budget. Club accounts at MMFCU earn the same dividend rate as our savings accounts; however the funds in a club account cannot be accessed using your ATM/Visa Check Card. Temptation be gone!
How it Works:
Once the account is set up, you can designate how much you would like to save per paycheck. These funds will be automatically deposited each time you get paid so you won’t even feel it! You can make additional deposits at any time and there are no
penalties for early withdrawal.
Vacation Club Accounts
The money you save in your club account will be automatically deposited into your savings account during the first week of May.
Holiday Club Accounts
The money you save in your club account will be automatically deposited into your savings account during the first week of November
Home Heating Club Accounts
There is no set disbursement date, so you have the flexibility to withdraw whenever your heating bill is due.
Home Savings Club Accounts
It’s not easy saving for a house, but we’d like to help you get a head start. The catch is that you cannot withdraw the funds unless you closeout the account. You can closeout the account at any time if you need the funds, even if you don’t end up buying the house, but it’s more of an incentive to allow that money to grow untouched.